Guide to Legislatures and Legislative Processes Affecting Mining Communities

The purpose of this guide is to (1) provide information generally about legislative processes in the National and Provincial legislatures; and (2) focus in on key areas where mining affected communities and NGO’s might intervene; and (3) provide ways to intervene. This guide is not exhaustive as there is much information in the public domain that can be accessed – especially online – which provides easy to understand discussions of the legislatures and their responsibilities and how to conduct advocacy with them. A critical aspect of this guide is also to highlight resources that can be accessed online.

This Guide was compiled through the work of the International Alliance on Natural Resources in Africa (IANRA) and its member organisations – in particular, the South African member organisations who participated in the Mining Communities Matter project, also called Building participation and advocacy among mining communities, CSO’s and legislatures for inclusive development. This project is co-funded by the European Union, with match funding also received from The Ford Foundation and Heinrich Böll Stiftung